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BetterDataSystems provides a cost effective sensor measurement database and fast web app that automatically collects and centralizes sensor data from multiple contractors in one location, verifies, evaluates, applies metadata and overviews the project monitoring data. Dependable and fast sensor data management results in better data, security of your project's valuable digital assets and availability of the data to authorized stakeholders around the world.


  • Centralizes all project information in one location

  • Automatically collects data from multiple contractors

  • Verifies, evaluates, applies metadata, reviews, reports

  • Document content management system

  • Fast, open source (license free) database

  • Browser Web app feels like a desktop program

  • Dynamic interactive plots, tables and reports

  • Google like document searches

  • Documents and data download to your computer

Project information system 

 - sensor data management

 - automatic data collection

 - visualization and reporting

 - document content management

BetterDataSystems is the developer of OASIS (Overarching Scientific Information System) – a fast, open source (license free) database and web app that automatically collects sensor data from multiple contractors; centralizes sensor measurement data in one location, verifies, evaluates, applies metadata to the monitoring data and overviews project monitoring. The cost effective sensor measurement database and fast web browser app results in better data, security of your project's valuable digital assets and availability of the data to authorized stakeholders around the world.
Sensor database, Raman spectra distributed temperature sensing (DTS), Sensor database generates 3D thermal map using calibrated DTS measurements, calibration of DTS systems from raw Raman stokes and anti-stokes data, centralized sensor data management, spatially correct DTS measurement positions, DTS temperature calibration using principal described by Hausner, 2011, extended 3D GIS sensor database, spatially oriented DTS measurements.
The enhanced GIS 3D sensor database spatially orientates fibre optic distributed temperature sensing DTS measurements within the project, spatially correct DTS measurements show temperatures within the project, Signal step-loss and calibrated DTS temperatures from Raman backscatter, Plots quickly show distributed temperature sensing (DTS) temperature measurements over-time, Identifying and Correcting Step Losses in Single-Ended Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Data, DTS spatially oriented measurements.
BetterDataSystems provides a cost effective sensor measurement database, fast web app and data-pipeline that collects and centralizes sensor data from multiple contractors, verifies, evaluates, applies metadata, checks for missing sensor data, checks sensor alarm limits, sends email and text message (SMS) alarms, overviews the project monitoring data, sends daily project and sensor status summary emails.


​Runs automatically 24X7X365

  • Collects monitoring data from multiple contractors

  • Multiple formats, recording rates, etc.

  • Wide range of sensor types: fixed point sensors, fiber optic DTS, TDR, Excel

  • Verifies, evaluates, appends meta-data

  • Project status reports and alarms

  • Sensor limit and evaluation alarms

  • Long-term and dynamic active testing

  • Information available within minutes

BetterDataSystems is the developer of OASIS (Overarching Scientific Information System) – a fast, open source (license free) 3D GIS sensor database and web app that automatically collects sensor data from multiple contractors; centralizes sensor measurement data in one location, verifies, evaluates, applies metadata to the monitoring data and overviews project monitoring. The cost effective sensor measurement database and fast web browser app results in better data, security of your project's valuable digital assets and availability of the data to authorized stakeholders around the world.

Client-server Database

Powerful, high speed PostgreSQL database

  • Centralizes data in a single location

  • Works with billions of measurements

  • Find, access, interpret, and reuse assets

  • Spatial design extends GIS by modeling the experiment in 3D-space

  • Built-in R statistical package

  • Document content management system

  • Open source, no licenses required

  • Runs on local computers, Intranet and Internet (cloud)

Secure web browser sensor management app centralizes sensor data managements, promotes better data, data transparency and consistency and accountability, interactive editable plots and sortable tables and reports, document content management system, no software license sensor database, secure online sensor data, sensor limit alarms, sensor status overview, daily sensor status summary, better data system, sensor measurement database

Web Browser App

Runs in any modern Web Browser

  • Sensor data management - modern, fasts, online, secure

  • Feels like a desktop program

  • Charts and reports in seconds

  • Dynamic - zoom, sort, search, edit  

  • Virtual sensor: mathematical expressions

  • Document content management system

  • Upload documents, photos, more

  • Google like searches and downloads

  • Runs in Windows, Linux and MAC with Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge, etc.


Send alarms, SMS, email summaries, etc.

Automatic sensor data collection links sensor data sets across different systems, centralizes sensor monitoring data, evaluates and appends meta-data, sensor limits and alarms and project sensor status reports
High-speed 3D spatial GIS sensor data management system with database for scientific, hydrologic, geologic, environmental and research projects, designed for big data, centralizes sensor monitoring data, evaluates and appends meta-data to sensor data, promotes better sensor data by transparency and consistency and accountability.
FAST web browser app for sensor data with interactive charts, tables, alarms, reports, exports. Improves long-term care of the project's valuable digital assets, better sensor data management, stewardship and tractability so stakeholders can find, access, interpret, and reuse the project's digital assets

1. Data-pipeline

2. Client-server Database 

3. Web Browser app

BetterDataSystems provides a cost effective secure sensor database and web browser sensor management app that centralizes sensor data managements, promotes better data, data transparency, consistency and accountability, editable plots with zoom and scroll, tables with sortable columns, automatic sensor reports, sensor limit alarms, sensor status overview, daily sensor status summary and document content management system. BetterDataSystems promotes better data. Low cost sensor database centralizes sensor data linking sensor data sets across different systems, rich meta-data, 3D GIS design, promotes better sensor data, secure online sensor data, sensor alarms and monitoring overview. Authorized stakeholders can find, access, interpret, and reuse the project's digital assets, fast plotting, fast reports, fast sensor data downloads to your computer.

Contractor 1 DAS

Contractor 2


Contractor 3 


Manual measurement

data entry



Photos, video, etc upload

Web app runs on

PC, Mac, Linux or tablet running a Web browser

Contractor ...N 




Upload Excel spreadsheets

Automatically uploads monitoring data

Manual measurements, documents, photos, more

Easily access all project information: Review project status, evaluate data, find documents.  Plot, list or download from anywhere.

  • Modern sensor data management

  • Centralizing data Improves management, stewardship and tractability 

  • Data are automatically described with rich metadata (quality, alarms, errors, etc.).

  • Data become findable, accessible, interpretable, and reusable

  • Linking sensor data from different systems in the spatial 3D design reveals easily overlooked data connections and nuanced relationships

  • Proven in both long-term monitoring and active testing real-world experiments

  • OASIS is simple to use, robust, fast and easy to maintain.

Overview provides a quick review


3D tunnel with time-laspe thermal map

Sensor and DTS data management


OASIS provides sensor and DTS data management with a document content management system for experiments conducted by Nagra (the National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Switzerland). The experiments demonstrate larger long-term and smaller active testing projects.


Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) Experiment at the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory, Switzerland:

  • Multiple contractors continuously monitor more than 1800 sensors, 2.5 km of fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) cables, time domain reflectometry probes and perform manual measurements.

  • Long-term monitoring started in 2012 with more than one million measurements recorded each day. The investigation is expected to run for at least 15 years. 

  • OASIS centralizes project information (documents and data) in a high-speed database. Collection, verification and evaluation of the data, addition of meta-data, calibration of the DTS data and alarming are done automatically. The Web browser app provides overviews of the project, summaries and status of OASIS and critical project systems, fast plots and tables for evaluation and reporting. The document content management system stores project documents. Data are available online just minutes after acquisition.


GAST (a large-scale Gas Permeable Seal Test) experiment in the Grimsel Test Site (GTS), Switzerland:

  • Approximately 135 sensors are monitored with recording rates as fast as every 10 seconds. Large data sets are quickly appended to the database and ready for use.

  • Dynamic changes in the test and monitoring setups are documented during field activities improving data management, stewardship, tractability and transparency.

  • By documenting what sensors measure, sensor configurations and when measurements are performed OASIS reduces confusion and errors that can happen when office personnel try to relate field notes with recorded data.

  • OASIS centralizes project information making data available online just minutes after collection. Authorized stakeholders can easily and quickly find, access, interpret, and reuse the project information. 

  • Automatic archiving of the database and field data improves long-term care of the project's valuable digital assets.


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