Developers of
Overarching Scientific Information Systems
OASIS joins sensor data across different monitoring platforms centralizing all project information in one centralized location. The system is “overarching” because it centralizes all information (data and documents).
Improves sensor data management, stewardship and tractability so authorized stakeholders can find, access, interpret, and reuse the project's digital assets.
Archiving both the database and the field monitoring data files improves long-term care of the project's valuable digital assets.
Centralizing project information promotes transparency, consistency and accountability. Problems of different data and documentation versions, inconsistent or out-of-date nomenclature, etc. are significantly reduced.
Relating data together allows investigators to discover and correct inconsistencies in the data improving both spatial and temporal accuracy of the information.
Transforms raw data coming into the system to meaningful and actionable information with rich meta-data and accessibility.
OASIS works with both long-term monitoring projects with relatively static sensors and active testing sites where sensors are being moved, exchanged, and reconfigured. The system documents what sensors measure, the types of sensors, how the sensors are configured and when measurements are done. This can save significant efforts later in the office when personnel try to relate field notes with data.
Document content management system
Automatically extracts keywords from uploaded documents (includes dictionaries for English, French, German and Spanish). Complex and complete document search functionality with keyword and full text (Google like) searches which are independent of grammatical structure. Search results are ranked by the significance (likelihood) that the document contains the desired information.
Automatically downloads monitoring data from multiple contractors with different file formats and recording rates. Verifies and evaluates the data, assigns meta-data and sends alarms when sensor measurements exceed limits or go missing. Data are available just minutes after collection.
Rich metadata
Sensor measurements are associated with metadata. No data are deleted - metadata associated with invalid or erroneous values are simply set to identify the data. If the sensor measurements are later determined to be valid then their metadata are simply changed. Using valid sensor data improves chart automatic scaling and decreases false alarms.
Invalid, low, high and delta limits for warning and critical alarms. Alarm notifications can be shown in the Web browser app and emails and/or SMS (text message) alarm messages can be sent to specified personnel
Daily summary emails
Summary emails give a quick overview of data collection processes, monitoring status, missing sensor data, invalid sensor measurements and alarms. Charts and tables of critical measurements can be included in report.
Database models the experiment in 3D space
High performance PostgreSQL database extends GIS by modeling the project in 3D space. The spatial design allows investigators to discover relationships and connections in data that could be easily overlooked with a 2D perspective. By linking sensor data sets across different systems the complexity and nuances of data relationships can be discovered
Virtual sensors
The system calculates values from user defined mathematical expressions where sensor measurements are treated as variables. Expressions may contain mathematical operators and mathematical and trigonometric functions like square root; absolute value; exponents, log functions, power function, sine, arc-sine and more. Virtual sensors may be included in plots, tables and alarms.
Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing DTS
DTS measurements along fiber optic cables are spatially orientated within the project in 3D space using extended GIS features. Classical “fixed-point” sensors near the cable can be easily selected and compared to DTS measurements. DTS measurements over-time relative to a cable length or project location are displayed in just seconds. Accuracy and precision of DTS measurements are significantly improved by signal step loss compensation and dynamic coefficients for each measurement. Data are available in near real-time.
Web browser app
Feels and acts like a desktop program. Charts and tables are fast, dynamic and interactive: plots can be zoomed and scrolled, tables searched and sorted. Data are quickly downloaded to your computer. Charts, tables and even drawings are created dynamically on-the-fly so any change in the project is immediate seen in the when the web page is refreshed. Runs on any modern Web browser on PC, Mac or Linus systems.